Estrogen deficiency

What is estrogen deficiency?

Estrogen deficiency occurs when women have abnormally low levels of the key female sex hormone estrogen. This usually happens during perimenopause - the transition period to menopause - as well as menopause itself.

Key signs and symptoms of estrogen deficiency include:

Long term effects can include a higher risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures over time due to accelerated bone loss. Heart disease risk may also rise without estrogen's protective effects.

Treatment options aim to replace estrogen at healthier levels for perimenopausal and menopausal women. These include:

The physicians at Renewal Hormone Center specialize in personalized hormone replacement therapy (HRT) programs to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and reduce health risks associated with hormonal imbalance.

We take a holistic approach, addressing lifestyle factors like diet, exercise and stress management alongside customized bioidentical hormone prescriptions. This allows us to find the optimal dosage and method of delivery to restore hormone equilibrium for each unique patient.

Suffering from hot flashes, fatigue, mood swings or other symptoms of estrogen deficiency? Contact Renewal Hormone Center today to book your comprehensive hormone assessment and let our experts design an effective treatment plan to help you feel healthy and vibrant again soon. We look forward to helping you address your hormone-related concerns and get back to thriving!

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