Decreased bone density

What is decreased bone density?

Decreased bone density, also known as osteopenia or osteoporosis, is a condition where the strength and integrity of bones become compromised due to loss of important minerals. As we age, our bones naturally lose some density, but certain factors can accelerate this process resulting in abnormally weak and brittle bones.

The most commonly affected areas are the hips, wrists and spine. People with osteoporosis are at a significantly higher risk for fractures and breaks in these areas even from mild stresses or falls that normally wouldn’t cause such injuries.

Some key causes of decreased bone density include:

If you suspect you may be at risk for decreased bone integrity, getting a bone mineral density scan is crucial. This simple and painless scan uses imaging technology to quantify the density of your bones. From this, your doctor can diagnose osteopenia or osteoporosis and start appropriate treatment if needed.

The team of experts at Renewal Hormone Center specialize in addressing hormone imbalances that can lead to low bone density issues later in life. With customized hormone replacement therapy plans, high quality supplements and personalized lifestyle coaching, Renewal Hormone Center helps patients gracefully transition into the golden years with strength in both body and spirit.

Early intervention, proper nutrition and maintaining an active lifestyle can all help support healthy bone remodeling processes and mitigate density loss. However, for those already diagnosed, medical treatments are available including:

By understanding the mechanisms leading to decreased bone density, taking preventative steps, getting regular screening past age 50, and starting proper treatment if diagnosed, one can still live FULL and ACTIVE lives without fear of fractures occurring from mild stresses. The compassionate doctors at Renewal Hormone Center are committed to this mission through all stages of patients' journeys. Call today to learn more and take control of bone health!

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